Black Truffle

Task Forces

The Long-Range Planning Committee met during the Charlotte conference in February 2020. Several task force groups were established to address specific areas of need as our organization works to provide additional, relevant benefits to the membership.

The task forces are being created to help the association distribute the workload to become a more effective and efficient resource for our members. The groups will be small is size with a target of 5 members. They will be dynamic and change with the need of the association. The purpose of each will be further defined by the members of the task force with the over site of the executive committee.   The following is a list of the task force and their chairperson with their contact information. Mission statements and objectives will be posted once developed and approved.


Chair, Staci O’Toole

The objective of the research task force is to define and develop actionable, usable and applicable resources derived from academic, public and private research and data sources. To liaise with the academic research community to facilitate collaboration between scientists and NATGA-member cultivators.

Our overall goal is to establish best practices and gold standards to benefit the industry as defined in the NATGA Mission Statement.

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Government Relations

Chair, Stephanie Jarvis

Who we are:

The Government Relations Committee is the combination of the previous Agri-Business and Agri-Tourism committees.

Scope of this committee:

To engage with Government and Resource Management Agencies to promote the value of the North American Truffle Industry.

Seeking Volunteers:

Interest in learning more about the truffle industry? We are seeking individuals who are willing to engage with government agencies, someone who has good communication skills, is research oriented, inquisitive and a person who wants to be an Ambassador for the Truffle Industry.

Please use the form below to volunteer your time.

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Chair, Fran Angerer
Marketing consists of promoting the NATGA brand to raise awareness of the association and add value to membership. This can be accomplished by establishing agreed upon standards of grading, labeling, packaging and handling of truffles and truffle products.
Education involves raising awareness of truffles to the general population of North America including introduction of the many types of truffle products and their use.
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Digital Media

Chair, Fabrice Caporal

The Digital Media task force’s primary goal is to manage NATGA digital communication. It is of service to the membership, the board and other task forces. Among others primary tasks are to manage the website, membership and emails.

Volunteer Needed:

We are looking for at least two volunteers to help with this Task Force. If you have experience with managing WordPress website, MailChimp, Copywriting, eMarketing, Membership website management, or if you are willing to learn, please use the form below to volunteer your time.

Please use this form to contact the Task Force Leaders